
Pantry Statistics for May 21, 2020

We are getting so many heart-warming messages from people who are supporting the pantry in various ways: thank you notes from pantry users for weekly distribution of food plus appreciation to volunteers from users and donors who . . . read more »

Pantry Statistics for May 14, 2020

Curbside service continues to operate smoothly: the two-step process for data collection starts with old-fashioned pen and paper at car-side. Instructions on the paperwork include a reminder to write neatly. Penmanship still counts! Some type of dried . . . read more »

Pantry Statistics for April 30, 2020

The pantry continues curbside service as phased in openings of the state economy begin to take effect. Getting back to “the way we were” will take time. A meaningful quote came to my attention this week that . . . read more »

Pantry statistics for 4/23/2020

Hours for curbside pickup have changed: the service is now offered until 1 PM on Thursdays. Our volunteer crew is limited in numbers and traditionally, the vast amount of pantry users access our services in the morning . . . read more »

Pantry Statistics for 4/9/2020

Good Shepherd prepacked boxes arrived yesterday and will be distributed next Thursday, giving pantry volunteers enough time to add the following to each box: apples, potatoes, eggs, milk, bread and fish. In the meantime, boxes for distribution . . . read more »

Pantry Statistics for 4/2/2020

Perhaps the rainy day kept the numbers steady . . . perhaps a bit (or a bit+) of fear with the restrictions deadline arriving at midnight. Judi H. shared two of her concerns: Loss of pantry volunteers . . . read more »

Pantry Statistics for 3/26/2020 with comps

We are into the second week of curbside PU which is now becoming a standard for many businesses country-wide. Boxes were packed yesterday for the early birds with more replenished as the day progressed. The only shortage . . . read more »

News from the Pantry

The past week has been one of meetings, discussions, planning and training as temporary changes are implemented to continue safe distribution of food to those in need.  In keeping with the precautionary measures adopted nation-wide and considering . . . read more »

  • Donate Today

    Donate with PayPal or your credit card by clicking the button below.

  • Donate with Clynk

    Pick up your free pre-tagged bags at the TurnStyle desk on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday from 10am -3pm or grab them from the box outside the door anytime. Learn more about CLYNK.

    Clynk bottle returns

  • TurnStyle Gift Certificates

    Purchase a gift certificate for yourself or a friend to support the Tree of Life food pantry.

    Buy a Gift Certificate

  • Hours + Phone Numbers

    Tree of Life Food Pantry
    Phone: 374-2900
    Thursdays: 9am-1pm

    TurnStyle Thrift Shop
    Phone: 374-9181
    Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 10am-3pm

    Tuesday: 10am – 3pm
    Thursday: 10am – 3pm
    Saturday: 10am – 3pm
  • Donate with Amazon

    Whenever you shop Amazon, go through Amazon Smile and .5% of you purchase will be donated to us.